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Jeff Bezos Steps Down In Order To Become Even Richer In Other Pursuits

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You ever wonder why someone makes a move that feels more reversed than lateral? My rule of thumb to understanding the human condition… Follow the money. Chances are that’s what the longtime chief executive of operations at Amazon is thinking. Jeff Bezos announced in a memo to his fellow employees that the necessary passing of the baton to Andy Jassy will allow him some much-needed time and energy. “I need to focus on the Day 1 Fund, the Bezos Earth Fund, Blue Origin, The Washington Post, and my other passions.” Chances are, now, that these are legitimate concerns valid of deeper investigation.

Or, Jeff Bezos just wants to make more money off the other assets he has.

The statement he released states that it’s an “optimal time for this transition.” Much like those billboards with timed transitions between each major advertisement, this seems all too convenient.

One would even suppose that this is just Jeff trying to scramble forward. He wants a head-start ahead of his competitors from the Forbes 400 in 2020.

This is to say that Jeff is working harder on his individual pursuits rather than focus on the negative that very well may be his recent divorce with MacKenzie Scott.

You almost wonder, though, is this worth putting the stock market into a further tailspin? After everything that occurred with GameStop in the past week or so? Wall Street, as great as they are at transition, may be going through some erroneous changes.

However, if anybody is to take on the throne of Amazon, and deal with the throes of amazing consequences, then it has to be Jeff’s right hand man. Jassy was there from the very beginning! He joined in 1997 and helped build the cloud. Yes, the cloud. The very one that Amazon rests it’s laurels on. Thanks to Jassy, we will be able to enjoy everything about Amazon in his vision.