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COVID-19 Can Wait: Second Booster Not Necessary To Rush For

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COVID-19 is certainly in the past, as one might assume. It’s quite necessary to say that we have beaten the pandemic. But really, it’s actually very important to acknowledge something essential about COVID-19. The vaccines do work. And the clientele that they work for involve particularly older individuals. Specifically from age 50 up. So it may go without saying but other, younger, healthier members actually are not quite in so much need themselves for a booster shot.

They could skip it, but don’t get us wrong.

COVID-19 Is A Real Scary Ordeal.

With the authorization of the FDA, there is a new following of the CDC guidance. It allows for anyone fifty and above to grab a fourth dose of the Pfizer vaccine, almost about four months right after the first booster. For immunocompromised individuals, a three-shot regimen is necessary for the primary vaccines.

CDC believes that adults with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are going to get an extra Pfizer or Moderna booster. This may be according to the expertise of Dr. Prathit Kulkarni, the infectious disease expert and assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine, says there’s a varying degree of need with vaccinations. “There is a difference between somebody who is 51 and otherwise healthy without any major medical problems and somebody who is 85 and has multiple medical problems. Their risk profile from potentially having a bad outcome from Covid-19 is fairly different.”

Kulkarni: “The bottom line is, it depends on individual risk profile: What is your age? What are your comorbidities?”

According to Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, from the University of California, San Francisco, is getting a second booster for his mom in her 80s. “But for healthy 50-year-olds, that probably isn’t as important if they’ve gotten three shots because three shots is really the sweet spot. You give a one-two punch and then you wait a little bit, and then you give a booster to remind the system.”

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