The Gold Star families really want answers after, in fact, making their pleads to get a Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) memorial building on the National Mall. Unfortunately, that does appear to have fallen on deaf ears.
Gold Star Families – Loved Ones Died Serving the U.S.
40 families, in June, whose precious loved ones died while serving the U.S. did send a letter to Representative Raul Grijalva, Democrat-Arizona. He is the chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources. Grijalva was to hold a hearing on the memorial’s location.
U.S. Pays Tribute to soldiers that Died in 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
In fact, pulling out all U.S. troops by August 31st by President Joe Biden. So it was done months before. Moreover, it ended what is considering the country’s longest war. In fact, months before 13 U.S. service members were killed in an August 26th explosion in Kabul. Then, months before the U.S. did remember and those approximately 3,000 soldiers that died 20 years ago in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Gold Star Families: Hearing on Memorial Location
The families are still waiting as they have not heard back about a hearing taking place at the memorial’s location. Moreover, they are now demanding answers. In fact, Jennie Taylor, a mother of seven, from Utah whose husband was killed in 2018 in Afghanistan, did, in essence, did mail her own letter to Grijalva asking about the hearing.
“Thus, we are sad. We are also heartbroken. Now, we are in anguish. In fact, we’re kind of getting irritating,” Taylor said. “…All we’re really asking is: Can we please let the Congress vote on where to put this? It is because we’re confident that Congress will vote to put it on at the Mall. Now, open that vote.”
World War II Memorial
Nestled at the base of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool is the World War II Memorial. It was built in 2001. This was 56 years after the war ended. Today, survivors who visit the memorial are regularly seeing in wheelchairs or escorted by volunteers, Taylor did note.