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Parking Paralysis By Way Of Impractical Lot Etiquette

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One of my favorite shows growing up was Malcolm In The Middle. A suburban comedy where the smartest kid in the world is surrounded by a bunch of idiots. Otherwise, lovingly known as his family. And the lot of them, while being smart in their own concentrations, often times had their moments of goofiness. Take, for instance, the mother, Lois. She had some serious road rage in the Season 6 Episode 6 parking lot scene.

We’ll let you watch for yourselves as the bold arrogance comes off as hilarious between the vicious 1996 Ford Mustang and the courageous 1990 Ford Tempo.

MaiU2b | June 16th, 2010

Parking’s not hard if you’re not out for blood.

But in the case of these two suburbian women, there’s a lot of aggression being perfectly displayed in a crescendo of logistical hysteria.

The deadpan look on Jane Kaczmarek’s character as she gleefully smacks the car door into her opposer is priceless. And it gets even more hair-raising when she slams her Tempo into the Mustang out of absolutely nowhere! Who knew parking could have so much action? My favorite part of the whole scene happens to be at the end when we see the two women inching angrily towards each other. And they’re just moving at the toppest of top speeds only they could, as their demolition derby has rendered both slower than the average elderly supermarket shopper. Definitely worth a re-watch.

However, it should be noted that while humorous, this type of instance is rare and entirely unlikely to happen in real life. Nobody is going to want to exact revenge or even ill-will, just because the doors are banging against other car exteriors with such force unseen before.

One thing’s for certain, we here at AMPM Valet Parking, will always treat your vehicle, no matter how old or expensive, with the utmost care and quality you deserve in a roadster as classic and priceless as your’s. No parking drama here, as your guests enjoy world-class valet parking at your next big shindig.