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Tips to Plan the Perfect Event

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We have everything you need to know to plan the perfect event.
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Make A Guest List

Everything starts with the guest list. Draw up your list with some key things to consider. How many people do you want at your event? What kind of people are they? Do you think this is a group that would prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Think about their social and economic standings. You need to know who is going to be at the event before you think about anything else. The guest list is your bible to plan the perfect event.

Location Makes the Perfect Event

Once you know who you want at your event, you can start to think about where you’ll have it. If it’s a wedding reception, perhaps you want a venue close to the ceremony. Will there be a large number of people flying in? Perhaps a location near the airport would be preferable. Now that you know how many people are coming and you know their taste, you can find a venue that offers something for everyone.

Do a Vibe Check

What kind of event do you want to throw? Is this a black-tie social with champagne and caviar or perhaps a raging party with kegs and food trucks? The options are seemingly endless. Your venue should match the type of vibe you want to create. From the moment people arrive, they should know what they are getting into.

Set Your Budget

Now that you know how many people you are expecting and have a general idea of where you want to host your event, it’s time to think about your budget. How much do you want to charge? Are you going to charge admission to help offset costs? All of this will decide your final budget. Don’t think too cheaply, though. Make sure the venue and the vendors are reputable and have never had any major insurance claims. A bad event could end up costing you more money in the long run.

Tour Venues

With your budget and guest list in hand, you’re ready to start looking at venues. Use all of the things you’ve discussed about the tone of the event and the people who will be there. A classy downtown event may be more expensive than a casual backyard beach wedding, but they both have their issues. See what the venues offer in terms of amenities. You want to narrow down what you need and then think about what you want. Does the venue have restrooms for your guests or will you need to rent some? Will you serve food and drink? Is there parking, or should you find a valet? All venues are different and offer different things. When you know all of the logistics, you’re more than half way there. Then you can see if there’s any room in the budget for that chocolate fountain you had your eye on.

Ask some trusted Guests

You want it to be a surprise for most, but there’s no harm in bringing in an inner circle. There are surely some guests who you value their opinion. They can give you ideas on how to make this event special. You can also think about events you yourself attended and what made them stand out. Was it the food, the theme, the music? The devil is in the details, and the rest of the planning is just details and research. You can discuss colors, themes, food choices, and more. All of the things to make your event perfect!

Let AMPM Valet help you Plan the Perfect Event

If your event offers parking issues or you want to add the perfect touch of class, a valet is the perfect addition to any event. AMPM Valet Parking has been a seasoned vendor for the last 16 years. They offer their services for a wide variety of events at any location. Give them a call for a quote for your next large event today!